PCB milling is an alternative to etching for those who have a home CNC machine and dont like using chemicals.
It is the milling process used for removing areas of copper from a sheet of printed circuit board (PCB) material to recreate the pads, signal traces and structures according to patterns from a Gerber layout export.
Very cheap home CNCs (like CNC 3018PRO etc) are pretty much capable of doing CNC milling.
PCB Milling process
My approach to PCB milling that I use for CANSim making:
I use custom-made GRBL-based CNC
For milling I use 60 deg, 0.2mm tip V-carve. It makes wide cuts, but works for my tasks. For finer cuts, consider 30 deg V-carve. https://hobbycnc.com/tool-width-calculator/ can be used to calculate cut width.
To drill holes I use “milldrill” process with 0.7mm corn mill, to avoid any tool switches for drilles. It doesn’t make sense to make holes less than 0.7mm anyway for manual soldering
PCB is cut with the same 0.7mm corn mill.
Process is:
prepare Gerber Export (I use EasyEDA, but every sofware capable of exporing gerber files will do)
run pcb2gcode (https://github.com/pcb2gcode/pcb2gcode) with the following millproject file (create “out” directory before!):
output-dir=./out # source files (replace with you naming!) back=Gerber_BottomLayer.GBL outline=Gerber_BoardOutlineLayer.GKO drill=drill_merged.drl # common settings path-finding-limit=4 backtrack=10 # common machine specific settings nog81=true nog64=true nom6=true metric=true metricoutput=true zero-start=true zsafe=3mm zchange=50mm # milling (60 deg, 0.2mm tip V-carve) # https://hobbycnc.com/tool-width-calculator/ zwork=-0.1mm mill-feed=180mm/min mill-vertfeed=100mm/min mill-speed=12000rpm mill-diameters=0.31547mm isolation-width=0.5mm # drilling (milldrilling) (0.7mm corn mill) min-milldrill-hole-diameter=0 milldrill-diameter=0.7mm zmilldrill=-1.7mm zdrill=-1.7mm drill-feed=80mm/min drill-speed=12000rpm # cutting (0.7mm corn mill) cutter-diameter=0.7mm zcut=-1.7mm cut-infeed=0.6mm # 3 passes cut-feed=120mm/min cut-speed=12000rpm
run resulting
, andoutline.ngc
on your CNC.solder and have fun!
- EasyEDA creates multiple drill files. I use
(https://gerbv.github.io) to merge them.